I grew up in Hong Kong until I was 14, and then I was in Oregon, until I was in Boston, until I was in DC, until I ended up in California. “Home” to me right now is just where my bed awaits, which means Venice Beach at the moment, until it means some place else.

New friends say I am gregarious; old friends don’t always remember me. I have tended to be on the fringes, observing the stuff amidst and alongside the human experience that, strung together, hint at the things that truly matter in this fleeting existence.

We live in a circus; not much to say about that. Sometimes I am outraged, other times I opt out. Everything is harder than it has to be. One day they tell you to breathe. Detatch. Let go. The next day they call you a fightless sheep. You can’t win. If you could you would be bored anyhow.
I have nearly none of the answers, but theories form. For example, you always feel better loving and being kind. I have felt transcendence through community and music. Universe, God, Allah, Om, Yahweh, energy, essence– names are just words, but the thing I have seen is real and cannot be reduced to language. When fingers touch, when gazes lock. The thing is as real as birds are real.

I enjoy reading Joan Didion and John Steinbeck, and listening to the Grateful Dead, the blues, guitar music, house, and techno. I play the guitar poorly and I sing. If I won the lottery I would (i) go back to study physics and (ii) have my Subaru detailed.

I think I would prefer that we say what we mean and mean what we say.